• The Meditation: mulling something over until you come to a conclusion, can include an affirmation
  • Dramatic Monologue (always need more practice with this sort of thing)
  • Haibun: Japanese prom poem ending in haiku
  • Limerick (daunting and serious)
  • OULIPO: math poetry. (n+7 = take an existing poem/speech, and replace every noun with one seven words away in the dictionary)
  • Ekphrastic poetry: poetry confronting art
  • Cento: patchwork, made entirely of lines from other poets
  • Sapphic: any number of 4 line stanzas. First 3 lines: 2 trochees, 1 dactyl, 2 trochees. 4th line: 1 dactyl, 1 trochee
  • Poem with rhyme on the first words of the lines
dec 7 2013 ∞
aug 18 2014 +