I don't want any fights here so for the sake of that, I'm gonna do this

  • if you're homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, xenophobic, and all that, please don't follow me
  • neither if you don't know how to difference life from reality
  • i'm not gonna answer to mean and nonsensical commentary, so don't even bother
  • i'm not gonna hate on people bc they have different opinions, we all do, just don't be a shit about it
    • ^this of course doesn't apply when your "opinion" is an actual harmful thing to other people (e.g., if you're homophobic, racist, or whatever listed in first point), if that's the case, i don't even know why you're here, please get out.
feb 12 2017 ∞
aug 13 2017 +