- Don't follow if:

You are anti kin

You are transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc.

You know me irl, unless I have told you beforehand you may follow

You have anything against any of my friends

- Ask to follow if:

You are factkin

You are kin with Gamzee or Tigerstar

You have anything against any of my kins

- Please follow if:

You are kin with one of my comforts

You are Faekin

You want to be friends

You feel we may be canonmates/want to be canonmates

Other notes:

I'm professionally diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, a sensory disorder, and OCD.

I'm Faekin!!! It is my only otherkin type, although I am also questioning Merkin.

I'm pretty much against factkin but I can make exceptions.

Password: A pic of one of my kins

jul 11 2017 ∞
jul 11 2017 +