• finish the learningtoloveyoumore.com projects.
  • think with my heart and not my penis.
  • give up eating red meat.
  • to keep out of drama.
  • take part in community wide events; use the city beat.
  • read at least one book a month.
  • work towards aa in dance and bachelors in history.
  • think with my heart and not my penis.
  • work out at the gym at least twice a week.
  • find a stable job - preferably in retail.
  • give up eating red meat.
  • invest more time into the arts; painting, writing, etc.
  • to keep out of drama.
  • improve old relationships and build new ones.
  • work towards aa in dance and bachelors in history.
jan 1 2010 ∞
jan 2 2011 +