• replace this text with your list
  • begin each item with an asterisk

True&12 ice-cream. Truffle pizza. Nightsinging. Sitting by the river next to Müller'sches Volksbad. Watching people swimming in the middle of the night. The playground. Some jazz. Attending a VR workshop. BEST job training EVER. It was just the two of us and all we had to do was play around with the VR goggles. So much fun. Pizza picnic with the colleagues at the Isarauen. Jumping into the river in underwear. Pink sunset. Singing a few songs, ending up sitting on the floor of the subway station with Andre. Playing around with my new iPad. I'm obsessed with Garage Band. Backstage with Manu and Isi. Jaya the Cat. Making out with him because I felt like it. Walking home in the rain, topless. Waiting for the train. Lying down on the ground, regardless. Skunk Anansie. Damn good voice. Meeting Manu L. and finding out he just became a dad! Frank hadn't told me...

jul 28 2019 ∞
jul 28 2019 +