-Anime: Mha/Bnha, Soul Eater, The rising of the shield hero, Death Note, Demon Slayer

-Horror movies (I've watched over hundrets of these but here are my favorite ones): The Conjuring, Babadook, The Ring, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (& story of Leatherface), Hereditary, Saw, The Sinister, Ich seh Ich seh (Goodnight mommy), The Grudge, Scary stories to tell in dark and MANY more

-Art: I love all types of art and I mostly enjoy in furry art/animal art, anime art, horror art, gore art, nature art & dark art

-Music: I'm a big fan of electronic music and Rock music. My favorite types of electronic music are: Synthpop, witch house,dubstep, breakcore, speedcore and retrowave.

Favorite music artists: Mr.Kitty, The Birthday Massacre, Lapfox Trax/Halley Labs, Ghost Town, Gorillaz, молчат дома, Буерак, Руки Вверх, Three Days Grace, Get Scared, Skillet, Skrillex, Crystal Castles, Lil Happy Lil Sad, Surf Curse and Milion others.

Favorite songs: Unusal - Ghost town, Freaks - Surf Curse, Tranz- Gorillaz, Neverending Nights - Mr.Kitty

-Plague Doctors: Honestly idk why but I love them :D spam me with pictures of them and I'd instantly be happy

-Video Games: I don't play many, but I love osu!, Scp containment breach and feral heart

-Animals: I love animals and I have a pet guinea pig Maxi ^^. My favorite animals are snakes, dogs, cats, birds, wolves, foxes, opossums and I also love some insects such as praying mantises and butterflies

-Fictional Characters: I love them! Mostly anime characters. <3

-Favorite colors: Purple, grey, cyan, white and black

may 25 2020 ∞
may 25 2020 +