-I'm a quiet person who doesn't talk much and overthinks alot. I like being alone and spend most of my time on the internet. I do like adrenaline though and sometimes I can't realise that some things are too dangerous.

-I'm different with every each person I meet, I can be careless and sometimes care too much (depends on a person). I'm fast changing and I get random waves of happiness and sadness out of nowhere.

-I hate dramas and argues, usualy if a person starts them with me I'd most likely just leave them forever. Even if a person mattered alot to me. I don't look into past, I live in the present and live for the future.

-I get mad easily but also emotional sometimes.

-I don't like being around people and I'm scared of interacting with some. I also have trypophobia and Thalassophobia (Although I am a good diver)

-I don't take things too seriously

-I'm usualy really empty inside and Idk how to react in some situations

-I know I'm weird. Don't mind me.

may 25 2020 ∞
may 25 2020 +