- Lion (dev patel)
- descendants (disney)
- big eden
everyithing is illuminated
- Pulp Fiction
- Dissonance
- Heaven Adores You (elliott)
- Vanilla Sky
- American Beauty
- American Psycho
- Barton Fink
- Birdman (rewatch)
- Boys N The Hood
- Citizen Cane
- Dr Strange Love
- Full Metal Jacket
- Schindlers List
- Hotel Chevalier
- The Godfather
- Moonrise Kingdom (rewatch)
- Life Aquatic
- Darjeleen Limited
- Bottle Rocket
- Rushmore
- The Royal Tennenbaums
- The Grand Budapest Hotel (rewatch)
- A Space Oddesey
- The Village of the Damned
may 11 2016 ∞
nov 25 2017 +