• What is the conflict that needs to be resolved?
  • What themes must be explored?
  • Who are the characters?
  • What is the setting like?
  • What is the "B" Story or Subplot?
  • Interesting or Unusual or Surreal Themes?
    • Keep it simple. Don't try to squeeze a whole adventure or complex concepts into one short story. Imo, the best ones typically centre around a single event, decision or moment. I once read a 700 word flash about a bee trapped in a shed, and how worried he was to let the colony down. It sounds ridiculous but it was actually quite sad and moving.
    • "I wonder what would happen if Character A encountered Monster Z in Location T?" And I write said character traveling to said location and encountering that monster. I'll throw in 2 or 3 other characters to travel with them. I'll drop in a few obstacles like: "What if they stopped at Tavern Y for the night and a random thief stole their money pouch so they can't pay for the room?"
    • Action-->Background-->Development-->Climax-->Ending
sep 9 2022 ∞
sep 9 2022 +