• Vain Asshole Who People Fawn Over Anyway: Not much explanation needed here. Pre-Mob Teru from MP100 and Gaston from Beauty and the Beast are the shining examples.
  • Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Related to the above, but here I mean characters whose praised status or apparent "goodness" is definitely by their design, and characters need not be fawned over, just generally seen as good by their environment. Post-Mob Teru falls here, Medusa from Soul Eater, Kyubei from Madoka, Ninetails from Okami, the Beldam from Coraline, and Alexander Denovo from Three Parts Dead all go here.
  • Better Than You: Also related to 1, they're just better than you at everything (or at least something super important) and they're not shy about it. Once again, Teru falls here even though he cheats, Alex Louis Armstrong from FMA, Bakugou from BNHA.
  • Military Hardass/Strict Bureaucrat: These characters may be antagonists or even protagonists, but I enjoy the literal Lawful influence in their actions/methods, even if it causes internal conflict. Okoye from Black Panther, Umbridge from Harry Potter, Roz from Monsters, Inc., Olivier Armstrong from FMA, Bishamon from Noragami, and Lin Beifong from The Legend of Korra.
  • Livin Large: Big powerful people or otherworldly creatures who are just... living their life the way they want. Whether or not it causes them to be aiding or harmful forces to protags. Moro from Princess Mononoke, Kyubei from Madoka, Smaug from The Hobbit, the King in Red from the Craft Sequence, The Queen of Shadows from MirrorMask.
  • Bad Old Ladies: Medusa from Soul Eater, the Beldam from Coraline, Yzma from the Emperor's New Grrove, Zira from the Lion King 2, Umbridge from Harry Potter.
  • Bitchy Girls: Or rather, girls who would be called bitchy but really just ain't got time for/are tired of bullshit. Yukako from JoJo part 4, Toph Beifong from Avatar, Nakamura from The Flowers of Evil.
aug 17 2018 ∞
aug 18 2018 +