• they pretty much let me ramble at them about anything, especially my mom
  • they're always excited to see me
  • they love me
  • they always want to help me if they can
  • they do little things to show me they're thinking about me when I'm not at home, like bringing me leftovers of my favorite food, or texting me about MSU football
  • they pick up on slang I use a lot and then try to use it...it's hilarious :)
  • we can joke and laugh as a family
  • when there's something I really want to do, or someplace I really want to go, they either help me make a way to do it, or support me when I try to make my own way
  • they're so proud of me, to the point of annoying the people in their lives by bragging about me
  • they usually at least listen to my opinion, if not taking it into account, especially now that I'm older
  • they're nice to my friends
  • they spoil me to a degree
  • they've always shown their affection, give me hugs, etc
  • they made sure we kept in touch with their siblings when they could, so I've always had enough family around
  • they gave me my faith, which is more precious than anything
oct 17 2010 ∞
oct 17 2010 +