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  • Goddess Brigid is a positive symbol of love and life, so many turn to her in their time of need and use her power to create more happiness in their lives.
  • She has associations with poetry, the arts, and divination.
  • From her parents, she inherited a variety of desirable traits such as magic, the ability to control the weather and fire, healing, fertility, and clairvoyance.
  • As a healer, she is said to have the ability to cure all manner of illnesses and provide the right remedies with her energy.
  • Symbols:
    • Brigid’s Cross: Made of reed or grass, this geometric cross is commonly believed to be a Christian symbol, but its origin is much older. These crosses were traditionally woven during the pagan feast of Imbolc, Brigid’s festival, to announce the arrival of spring.
    • Eternal Flame: With her flaming red hair and association with fire, she is often symbolized by a flame. As she is considered to be a fire Goddess, many of her worshippers use this element to pay homage to her. By lighting a white candle and invoking the element Fire you can feel her presence and bring the symbol of the Goddess Brigid to life.
    • Serpent: Another popular symbol for the Goddess Brigid is the serpent. It represents renewal and the beginning of spring. When you uncover the deeper elements of this symbol it is also tied to divinity.
    • Wells: Brígid served as the goddess of water and maintained dominion over rivers and wells. Two of her most famous holy wells were: Brigid’s Well in Kildare and Brigid’s Well in County Clare
  • Brigid is also symbolized by Spring. As such she represents new beginnings and the creation of new life.
  • During the springtime, it is easiest to connect with her, she is all around nurturing and giving life to plants and animals.
  • The meaning of the name Brigid is ‘Exalted One’. Like other goddesses, she isn’t usually addressed by her name alone, but by her titles:
    • The Bright One
    • Fiery Arrow
    • The Powerful One
    • The High One
    • Great Mother Goddess of Ireland
    • Lady of the Sacred Flame
    • Eternal Flame of Life
    • Flame of Inspiration
    • The Mistress of the Mantle
  • Offerings:
    • Set up an altar for Brigid (see below). Tend to it daily, make offerings of milk and butter on the hearth or altar. Light some candles and keep an eye out for any confirmation such as a warm feeling, a voice or a vision during meditation or in a dream.
    • Meditate, chant prayers, and open yourself up more to experiences with Her. Knit, weave, crochet, or write as devotional activity. Craft a corn doll or any other offering for Brigid, keeping in mind she is the Patroness of poetry, smithcraft, animal care, midwifery and breeding.
  • Brigid’s holiday is the eve of February 1st. This is a very special day known as Imbolc or Candlemas in which Brigid’s presence can be felt.
  • As spring approaches make sure to clear out the old to invite in the new. Clean your home and shift any negative or limiting beliefs that you may hold. This will lure her to you and help to support your development and connection with her.
  • Correspondences:
    • Element: Fire and Water.
    • Food: Milk and water.
    • Plants: Dandelion, snowdrop, crocus, trillium, acorns and oak tree, corn, oat, sage, pumpkin. seeds, chamomile, broom, shamrock, rushes, straw, and all field flowers.
    • Herbs: Heather, rosemary, thyme, and bay.
    • Animals: Lambs and ewes, dairy cows, serpents, farm animals, and domesticated creatures.
    • Gems: Gold, brass, silver, carnelian, agate, copper, amethyst, jasper, and fire agate.
    • Colors: Green, white, yellow, and blue.
    • Planet: Venus.
  • Suitable offerings for Brigid include: Milk, Candles, Blackberries, Water, Bread, Coins, Herbal teas, Spears and arrows, Ivy, Heather.
  • There are several ways that you can craft offerings for Goddess Brigid. These homemade gifts are pleasing to her and will help you develop a relationship with the nurturing deity.
    • The Brigid’s cross is used as an offering to the Goddess. It is traditionally made from rushes and woven together to create the symbol. When a person makes a cross it shows their dedication to Brigid. They are typically placed over doorways and windows to protect the home from evil spirits and bad energy. It is said that Brigid weaved this form of cross when she watched over her father while he was on his deathbed.
    • Another offering is called Brigid’s doll. This pagan custom will bring light and fortune into your life. Brigid’s dolls are created on Imbolc/Candlemas and are displayed in makeshift beds next to a fireplace. They are made from dried raffia and tied together with burlap ribbon.
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