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  • cinnamon sticks are used for healing, success, and money spells. they can help you to develop spiritual awareness and psychic powers.
  • colors: red (strength, fire, relating to sun, passion, joy, renewal), green (immortality, life, healing, finances, and luck), white (snow, ice, new beginnings, rebirth), gold (sun conquering darkness, abundance, wealth).
  • crystals: clear quartz, citrine, bloodstone, snowflake obsidian
  • evergreens are the only plants that stay green throughout winter, therefore they are a symbol of life, immortality, protection, and luck. during Yule, you can decorate your house with plants such as fir, pine, and spruce to bring a bit of liveliness into your household.
  • holly is a great protective plant. it can guard your place against lightings and evil magic. placed on an altar will bring luck and prosperity to your home.
  • ivy is great for protection and healing. it is a feminine plant that pairs well with masculine holly. they can both be used to bring love into your home.
  • mistletoe can be placed on your altar to bring protection, love, and health towards your way.
  • oranges are one of the most common Yule symbols. they are associated with love, luck, and money.
  • pine cones: a symbol of cleansing, purification, and protection. they are also known to bring prosperity and wealth. because of their shape, ancient people associated them with Pineal Gland and the spiritual center of our soul. Ttey assist in spiritual awakening, heightening the consciousness, and enlightened path.

food and beverages:

  • dried or preserved fruits were a special treat enjoyed during Yule. it was common to use dehydrated whole fruits or pickled chutneys and jams including figs, dates, apricots, pears or apples. preserved and dried fruits are easily incorporated into many dishes.
  • gingerbread cookies
  • hot cocoa: chocolate powder, ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, chili, cloves, milk of your preference, something sweet: sugar, honey, agave syrup, etc. pinch of salt.
  • root vegetables such as beets, potatoes, carrots, turnips and parsnips were able to withstand the frost.
  • warming Spices like ginger, cloves, turmeric, and cinnamon often made their way into Yule feasts, helping the winter stores to shine. these fiery spices were a symbol of heat from the reappearing sun.
  • wassail
  • winter squash harvested in autumn kept well throughout winter. growing for months to sustain us through a time without harvest, winter squashes are a necessary component of the Yule table.
  • yule log cake x

journaling prompts:

  • how can I find meaning as a Witch in a society dominated by the Christmas holiday?
  • how can I make 2022 a success? what is it that I truly desire in the coming year?
  • what am I doing to heal myself, in this season of rest, repose and recuperation?
  • what am I learning from the growing darkness of winter?
  • what am I most ashamed of? how can I transmute this shame into a source of power and love?
  • what can I do to honor the sun and its influence on my life?
  • what can I do to recommit myself to living a more spiritual life in 2022?
  • what does it mean to celebrate Yule as a pagan religious practice, as Christmas becomes increasingly commercialized?
  • what does my highest self desire in the next year?
  • what is my favorite part of celebrating Yule? How is a Yule celebration special, rather than a Samhain, Beltane, or Lughnasad celebration?
  • what part of me do I want to feed and grow?
  • what’s coming to an end in 2021? What am I looking forward to starting, or re-committing to, in 2022?
  • write a love letter to your darkness.


  • spell jar for rebirth: x
    • 3-5 drops of oil that supports rebirth like eucalyptus or peppermint
    • any other representations of rebirth for you
    • cinnamon stick for luck
    • dagaz rune, which represents dawn. this can be placed inside your jar or drawn/painted on the outside of your jar.
    • dried or fresh herbs that support rebirth like spruce, pine, or nettle.
    • dried or fresh rosemary for clarity and protection.
    • glass bottle/jar of any size
    • piece of paper and pen to write your intention
    • salt of any kind for protection
    • stones that represent rebirth to you like moonstone, green aventurine, and howlite for peace as you transform. other stone options could include malachite, citrine, moss agate, or quartz.
    • white candle

tarot and oracle spreads:

  • what is the essence of my inner shadow self? what can I learn from my shadow self? how can I bring my shadow self into the light? what lights me up from within? what new seeds am I planting? what do I need to release in order to create space for growth?
  • what shadow wants to work with me? how does it want to be worked with? advice for moving through shadow. what wants to be born from my darkness? advice for birthing whatever needs to come through.

things to make and do:

  • bake something for your neighbours
  • decorate the house with candles to bring natural light and connect with your ancestors
  • decorate your yule log with holly, pine, spruce, or fir, small pine cones and other natural Yule decorations. you can attach everything with hot glue and tie a ribbon in the middle.
  • decorate your yule tree with natural ornaments such as painted walnuts, pine cones, popcorn garlands, dried oranges, and cinnamon sticks
  • donate your time to a local charity or homeless shelter
  • elder futhark rune ornaments
  • make a gratitude list
  • make a natural garland
  • make and decorate cinnamon brooms
  • make yule fire winter solstice blessing bundles x
  • write new years resolutions: you can for example make a special ritual where you write down all the wishes and decorate a Yule Tree with it. some people like to write intentions and burn them together with the Yule Log.
nov 25 2021 ∞
dec 31 2021 +