An article is a small word that specifies a noun as a specific (the train) or non-specific (a train). The former type of article is called the definite and the latter is called indefinite.


    • La fem. before consonant
    • L' masc. & fem. before vowel
    • Lo masc. before s + consonant, z, y, ps, pn, gn.
    • Il masc. before consonant.
    • Le fem.
    • I masc.
    • Gli mascc. before vowel, s + consonant, z, y, ps, pn, x or gn


  • Un this indefinite article is used when the noun is masculine singular and begins with a consonant or a vowel.
  • Un' this indefinite article is used when the noun is feminine singular and begins with a vowel.
  • Una this indefinite article is used when the noun is feminine singular and begins with a consonant.
  • Uno when the noun is masculine singular and begins with s + consonant, ps, pn, z, x, y or gn.


  • the partitive articles are formed by the union of the preposition "of" with the definite article.
  • used to indicate a non-specific quantity and is always placed before the name. in english this would be like saying some amount
  • simple propositions and their contractions x
  • the following adjectives expresse quantity:
    • molto, molta - a lot of/too much
    • troppo, troppa - a lot of/too much
    • tanto, tanta - a lot of/too much
    • poco,poca - a bit of/a little bit of
    • assai - a lot of/too much
  • the following adjectives express #’s
    • molti, molte - many
    • troppi, troppe - many
    • tanti, tante - many
    • un po' di - a bit of
    • assai - a lot of - too much
    • pochi, poche - a few
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