• Are there any family stories your aunts or uncles told you that you want to be sure to write down?
  • Capture what different decades were like for you. Write about your 20’s, your 30’s, etc.
  • Describe a mundane day. What is life like for you? Write down what you wish you knew about your grandparents’ or great-grandparents’ daily lives.
  • Describe the kitchen in the home you spent the most time in.
  • Did you have a favorite book as a child? (Or a favorite book you read to your children?)
  • Did you have a marriage that didn’t work out? What do you want to say about that?
  • Did your family survive a tragedy? What happened?
  • How did your mother and father meet?
  • If you have kids, write about them. What do you want them to know about their younger selves?
  • If you’re married, how did you meet your spouse? Are there any stories you want to record from when you were dating?
  • Remember when you were a kid and someone told you not to do something? What did you do that you were not supposed to? When did your curiosity get the better of you?
  • What advice would you give future generations who read this journal?
  • What are holidays like for you? What traditions do you hope carry on?
  • What captures your imagination?
  • What did a typical mealtime look like when you were growing up? What was your favorite food?
  • What did your family do really well? How did they show love?
  • What did your grandparents tell you about how they grew up?
  • What do you enjoy doing most with friends and family?
  • What is a family story that gets told over and over when people are together?
  • What kinds of wildlife did you encounter as a kid?
  • What movie did your family watch over and over?
  • What pets do you have?
  • What was high school like for you? Did you go to events like football games, prom, or spend weekends gaming in a friend’s basement?
  • What was the hardest part about growing up?
  • What was your favorite toy?
  • What were you worried about as a kid that turned out to be not a big deal for you as a grown up?
  • What world events impacted you when you were younger? How did they affect you?
  • What’s the ethnicity of your surname? Do you know what it means or where it comes from?
  • When you were younger, what did you like to do when it rained?
  • Where did you go to school? What subjects did you enjoy?
  • Where did your parents work? What was their trade? Do you know how your grandparents made their living?
  • Where was your favorite place to spend time? What did you spend hours doing as a child?
  • Where were you born? Where were your parents born?
  • Who was your childhood best friend? Tell us about them.
  • Write about the first home you remember.
  • Write about the first place you lived on your own.
  • Write about when and how you learned to manage money and pay bills. What did things cost then?
  • Write about your first week of college, or the first week at your first job.
  • Write about your name. What does it mean? Who chose it?
  • Write some of your favorite things about your mother, father, siblings, cousins, and/or grandparents. Help the reader get to know them.
dec 14 2022 ∞
dec 14 2022 +