• As the light returns with the new year what habits would you like to cultivate? What do you value? What do you need to do to be successful? What habits or negative thoughts do you need to let go of and leave behind?
  • Create a to-do list for this Winter holiday that captures your inner child. What would you like to do to bring more holiday magic to the season?
  • Crystals, scents, food or herbs you enjoy this time of year
  • December’s full moon is called the Cold Moon. Write down any information you know about this moon and what rituals or meditations you do during this time
  • Do you have a favorite gift you’ve given over the years? How did it make you feel to see another’s happiness and joy?
  • Do you have a Yule or Winter Solstice altar? What do you like to put on it?
  • Do you have any activities or traditions you love celebrating each season?
  • Do you have any favorite decorations you place in your home? Why? Do they have any special meaning or memories?
  • Family recipes you love to make and any stories or memories you have making them
  • Favorite memory you have from the holiday season
  • How can I find meaning as a Witch in a society dominated by the Christmas holiday?
  • How can I make (year) a success? What is it that I truly desire in the coming year?
  • How do you avoid shallow consumerism this time of year and connect instead to the magic of nature and spirit?
  • How do you spread holiday cheer? What compliments did you give to someone else today?
  • Movies you connect with right now that get you into the holiday vibe. Write down quotes from it that you love.
  • Now is a great time to set out some seed so the birds have food for the winter. What’s your favorite way to do so? Traditional bird feeder, peanut butter with seed pinecone, DIY ice wreath, etc? Do you have any favorite birds?
  • Ponder what you’d like your word of the year to be for the upcoming year. Spend time meditating on what you want to bring more of into your life and write about how it will affect your life. Let of go of the word you chose this year and reflect on how it changed you this past year.
  • Press any flowers, herbs or leaves you may have from your garden or collected on a nature walk and put those in your book. You could also use them as a stamp by painting one side and pressing it onto the journal or grimoire page
  • Reflect and write about how old beliefs and folklores influence modern traditions today
  • Take some time to consider what you may have that others do not. Was there a time when you wished for what you have now? What are you grateful for?
  • This is the season of giving! Do you have any particular charities or activities you enjoy participating in?
  • What am I doing to heal myself, in this season of rest, repose and recuperation?
  • What am I learning from the growing darkness of winter?
  • What can I do to honor the sun and its influence on my life?
  • What can I do to recommit myself to living a more spiritual life in 2021?
  • What does “home for the holidays” look like to you?
  • What does it mean to celebrate Yule as a pagan religious practice, as Christmas becomes increasingly commercialized?
  • What does my highest self desire in the next year?
  • What is my favorite part of celebrating Yule? How is a Yule celebration special, rather than a Samhain, Beltane, or Lughnasad celebration?
  • What’s coming to an end in (year)? What am I looking forward to starting, or re-committing to, in (year)?
  • What’s your favorite holiday music right now? Write down the lyrics!
  • Write about a negative thing your life has in excess. What will you do to minimize it for the next year?
dec 14 2022 ∞
dec 14 2022 +