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Hello everyone! Welcome. I am mauia88 and these are my ever-growing lists that I come to when I need them.

"I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself." —Marlene Dietrich

listography TERMS
  • "Are these people being relegated to the dust bin because they have what somebody misperceives as dementia? How many people have been misdiagnosed with a permanent disease process that actually have a reversible disease process. That's the horror right there."

–_The Bleeding Edge documentary_

5 Myths About People Who Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

  • "If your boyfriend dumps you after getting what he wanted, I don’t think you should blame him but yourself. We reap what we sow, and we tend to attract people who are like us. That is called reality. If you don’t give yourself respect, don’t expect anyone to do the same for you. If you like to sleep around with guys, don’t be surprised if all that you attract are jerks who want to have sex with you. So, if you do want someone who will treat you with respect, the first person that you should respect is YOURSELF."

Hot Virgin Girl

  • "I think our sex-obsessed culture and superficial view of relationships/love is why marriage is such in the dismal state that it’s in."


  • "There was a time when the world was younger. When the trees were the tallest thing we could see. Great beasts and storms roared over the land and we cowered before it all in wonder because we were so very small. / Of course, our small size hid our giant spirit and our vast future, times changed and we grew. We circled and mapped the world, we learned to fly and even, at times, to hold death itself at bay. / It would be a lie to say that no great challenges remain, and the stars do beckon. The changes that we have wrought are, in point of fact, likely for the better and should not be condemned out of hand. But as we stand here, masters for better or worse of our world, I look back to those days when giants still walked the land....and my heart aches because now we are the giants....and the world seems so small.."

Mat phil (from YouTube [])

    • "The world has changed. We now have the Internet, the smart phones, the jet planes, the OPEC, the WTO, the GPS and all the industries -- like what the people did in the Iron Town. The people in the Iron Town are either prostitutes or Leprosy patients, maybe the lowest level in any human society, but their spirit had changed the world. This IS the spirit of our modern world. / This film is not meant to denounce any of the worlds, neither the old world nor the modern one. It merely presented both to us and told us that there was NO way in the middle. It is rather a documentary, maybe a little bit similar to Pom Poko."

Yang Liao (from YouTube; reply to Mat)

    • "...knowing that nearly everything is on this world is discovered, no mystical large woods to explore, this world needs more secrets less citys less population, less everything, the world is a noisy and full place now..."

Robin Hoffmann (from YouTube; reply to Mat)

    • "...we live in a time where we've forgotten how the world can be thrilling and so full of wonder, and from time to time I keep dreaming of days where you could roam the world in all innocence, discovering some places wild and untouched by our culture."

Etienne MERLEDESISLES (from YouTube; reply to Mat)

nov 27 2016 ∞
aug 18 2018 +