relax! these are not the best days of your life.

don't get discouraged. i see a thousand possibilities in every smile of yours.

i find squeezing a full tube of toothpaste strangely erotic.

i wish i had the courage to walk up to you at graduation and say good luck, i love you and i'll miss you every day. please don't forget me.

each secret is unique just like a finger print. but collectively they remind us how connected we all are with friends, and strangers, and how precious those relationships can be.

be wise enough not to be reckless, but brave enough to take risks.

in the real world you must wear shoes.

i know some of us are going to walk off this stage today with no idea about what comes next-embrace it, find something that makes you happy, and follow it wherever it leads.

my friend believes they will change the world and i believe them.

twenty years from now you probably wont remember who your commencement speaker was or what he or she said. but i pray that each of you will never lose the important relationships formed in this extraordinary place with the old friends and new, who believe in you, and surround you now-in white folding chairs.

because you used me i am stronger. i left yesterday. i'm never coming back.

i believe in you i will always believe and i'll be there when you prove them wrong.

as you get older, you need more people who knew you when you were younger.

everything worthwhile leaves bruises.

speak your mind even if your voice shakes.

it's okay to be afraid, but don't let that fear hold you back. instead have it push you froward, breaking through the barrier you thought was there.

in the real world you must wear shoes.

if you'll regret it in the morning, sleep till noon.

it'll fly by before you know it. work thorough every hardship and enjoy every laugh.

he who works with his hands is a laborer. he who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. he who works with his hands, his head, and his heart is an artist.

nothing lasts forever, mistakes aren't always regrets, you can't start a fire without a spark.

feel the pain, let it engulf you, then let it go.

the good thing about today or any other day that was bad, horrible, or even catastrophic is that you'll never have to see it again. and tomorrow is the best gift you could ever receive.

i almost always dance when i'm in an elevator alone.

the "cool kids" in high school were not the one's worth knowing.

as messed up as it is thanks for treating me like shit, you made me realize what i'm capable of and what i deserve. i finally love myself for me.

sometimes you don't know you've crossed a line until you're on the other side and you cant go back.

the more i look back on my life, the more i see miracles.

i want to know little acts can change the world.

i have finally come to terms with the fact that secrets are necessary.

i never thanked the people who opened my mind.

the day i turned 11 i waited all day for the letter written in emerald green ink telling me i had been accepted to hogwarts.

i wish i could be your nanny forever, it breaks my heart to move on.

i'm afraid to grow up because sometimes it seems like things will never feel this beautiful again.

i still cant believe you died so i pretend you are away on a very long vacation having the best time ever.

i'll probably grow old with my 3 best friends which would be absolutely fantastic.

someday i want to go for a walk, and come home years later, having found myself.

whenever i make you a cd i hide one song that says how i really feel about you.

you are what i never knew i have been looking for all along.

i'm 18 and catching myself living in the past.

impossible things happen every day.

i'm going to change the world.

i'm scared that growing up means dying a little inside.

one day this will all make sense, it is the hope that keeps me going.

you tried to find the key to my heart. i was scared, so i let you for someone who i knew would never look for it. i guess it will stayed locked up forever.

the most important thing i realized lately is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us build character. and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it.

my biggest fear is being stuck in a life that i cannot walk away from at any given moment.


my biggest fear is not death, but of by chance running into the family of the boy whose heart beats inside my body.

finally, i truthfully wish you well.

i'm slowly realizing how beautiful life really is.

i am scared i will die with regrets.

i am not waiting for a prince on a white horse, i am waiting for you.

it all passed so quickly.

i see God in the love of my friends.

never give up.

fuck yeah we can live like this.

life is calling, how far will you go?

dec 5 2009 ∞
dec 12 2009 +