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  • A big, puffy dress.

Now, I don't look good in white, so it'd have to be cream colored or something. I want it to be, like, ridiculously puffy. You know that movie Princess and the Frog? At the Mardi Grais party Charlotte had on this big pink marshmallow dress that like, enveloped the guy she was dancing with. I want exactly that. But not pink. It has to have a sweetheart top and corset stitching in the back.


I don't really like normal cake. But I love cheesecake. I think that at everyone's table, there's gonna be a little variety cheesecake! So if they don't like one flavor, they can have a different piece. And if they don't like cheesecake... Then they're just not invited. :)

  • I'm getting married in a garden, you guys.

Like, a garden at night. With trellises and ivy everywhere, with lots of flowers and maybe a fountain. THERE HAS TO BE LITTLE ANIMALS MADE OF BUSHES. Whatsit. Topiaries! And a little stone walkway... and lil garden gnomes, aww

  • A guy, I guess.


  • I'm wearing Converse.

For my wedding, I want to have fancy jewelry and all that jazz... But I'm gonna be wearing red high-top Converse All-Stars. And the old school ones, too, not the stupid new ones. Maybe I'll have people sign them and write nice things on them. :)

  • The bride's bouquet.

I want wildflowers. No, not bought. Like, legit wildflowers. From the wild. Not matching or anything.

  • Flowergirl?

I don't have too many small relatives that could be my flowergirl... Maybe by the time I'm old enough to be married I will. Otherwise my brother will do it. ;) But ideally, I want the little girl to nicely throw them down on the path, and also throw them at people. Haha, obnoxious.

  • Bridesmaids.

I know what dresses I want them to have... Little cocktail dresses, each in a different color. Like, the same dress, but different colors. But I have no idea who they're going to be! I have so many friends. I might have just the Barnaby Brothers be Bridesmaids and Heather be the Maid of Horror. But I don't know... I have a few others who would be great bridesmaids... Shit.

  • First dance

I want You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall&Oates. Or a Beatles song. But it would be fun to have a big dance number or something. Like that youtube couple that did Baby Got Back and made a big ridiculous dance number? That's so my style. I want everything to be kind of heartwaming with a hint of totally out there and crazy.

  • Walking down the aisle song

I do NOT want to walk down the aisle to 'here comes the bride'. SO BORING, and it originates from an opera about murder, so no thanks. I've always loved the piano thing from The Corpse Bride, but I also kind of want it to be fun and to make people laugh. So I'm not sure.

  • Dancing:)

I want to make all the little kids dance together. Aww. I'll bribe them if I have to.

  • Moar dancing.

WE ARE NOT DOING THE MACARENA. I HATE THE MACARENA. Or YMCA. No, I don't care. No. We will, however, all dance to Bad Romance. ;)

  • I might...

Make all you theatre kids I'm friends with be a part of a huge number. I haven't decided which one, but I think that'd be pretty boss.

  • Wedding Vows

Will be the ones from Corpse Bride. They're real vows from Victorian England, and I think they're just beautiful.

  • My daddy...

Will walk me down the aisle. Oh hobbit-father. :)

feb 15 2011 ∞
feb 15 2011 +