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Wishes are false. Hope is true. Hope makes it's own magic. ~ Laini Taylor

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. ~ Oscar Wilde

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Instructions: For the historical romance or historical fiction readers on the group, the purpose of this challenge is to read one book for a minimum of eight of the most common dangerous historical hero types.

Updated upto Black Widow in read in 2018 shelf


  • Scottish/Highlander warrior
  • Knight
  • Archer/Bowman
  • Emperor/King/Duke/Earl/Titled Hero: Robert Blaisdell, the Duke of Clermont in The Duchess War by Courtney Milan
  • Gunslinger or Outlaw
  • Lawman, Sheriff, Marshal: Owen Renderwell (Scotland Yard’s detective) in A Talent for Trickery by Alissa Johnson
  • Native American Warrior
  • Gambler or Rogue
  • Ninja/Samurai/Warrior of Eastern Martial Arts Disciplines: Avery Archer, Duke of Netherby (practices Eastern Martial Arts Discipli...Someone to Love by Mary Balogh
jul 10 2018 ∞
aug 20 2018 +

Instructions: Read ten to thirteen books with a main character/hero who is in each of the below categories. One book per category. The books can be from romance, urban fantasy, fantasy, or science fiction novels.

Updated upto Shana's Guardian in read in 2018 shelf


jul 10 2018 ∞
nov 11 2018 +

Introduction: For this challenge, we'll showcase modern day dangerous heroes. Let's go to the Career Fair, with a twist. Pick up brochures for at least fifteen of the below dangerous hero/bad boy career professions to assemble your ultimate portfolio.

Updated upto Black Widow in read in 2018 shelf

  • Sniper/Marksman
  • Armed Forces: Army, Air Force, Marines Enlisted/Commissioned Soldier
  • Special Forces Soldier (Navy SEALS, Delta)
  • Mercenary or Military Contractor
  • Outlaw Biker
  • Undercover Agent/Spy: Blind Reader Wanted by Georgia Le Carre
  • Fireman
  • Police Officer/Sheriff/State Trooper
jul 10 2018 ∞
aug 20 2018 +

June 15- Sept. 14, 2018

You may read a book that only includes a character that fits, or a scene in the story, or the entire theme of the book.


Level 1- Romance peaks my interest- Read 5 books

Level 2- I read Romance every chance I get- Read 10 books

Level 3- I love Romance!- Read 15 books

Level 4- Passionate about Romance- Read 25 books

Level 5- Romance Junkie- Read 35 books

Bonus- Read an additional 5 books designated as Bonus- can be added to any level.

[Updated upto Black Widow in read in 2018 shelf]


jul 1 2018 ∞
aug 20 2018 +

Select a minimum of 5 series that you want to read during the year (you can start with more series, or you can add to series later on in the year (i.e., additional layers) if you want

In descending number order, decide how many books in each series you want to read (5 books from one series, 4 books from the next, 3 from the next, 2 from the next, and 1 from the last). In the end, you will form a pyramid of books.

Level 5

jul 2 2018 ∞
nov 11 2018 +

TIME LIMIT : 1st June 2017 - 31st August 2017


The challenge is very simply and is based on the PREDOMINANT color of your book covers. Pick out the colors of the rainbow from your book covers, but you can only use the covers where there is a dominant color that matches ONE of the colors of a rainbow. You must read a book to match each color.

The rainbow is made up of:

jun 8 2017 ∞
aug 15 2017 +