- finish movie list
- ✔ clear out college/random stuff in house: J's room, radio room, garage
- ✔ replace old VHS movies w/DVD's
- drinks at Dewz
- ✔ buy a new phone
- ✔ clean out closet
- tailor strapless dress
- ✔ mail ponytail
- ✔ fix black sweater
- ✔ hang out with: Tori, Alicia, Spencer, Michelle
- ✔ visit Rose more; Maia in bay
- self defense? get pepper spray?
- send mix cd to NA
- Habitat volunteer?
- ✔ visit Aba: camping?
- use spa gift cert
- ✔ lunch with erika
- ✔ count coins
- racquetball lesson
- ✔ burn DVDs (GOTR)
- ✔ give DVDs back to Eri
- ✔ see work people
- ✔ haircut w/Angela
- ✔ make CCCs
- ✔ feather dress
- ✔ hole in green sweatshirt
- ✔ eat Chuao choc
jan 14 2012 ∞
aug 26 2012 +