- My name is Alyssa, but you can also call me Power, Powerfulgirl10, or PowerTQueen.
- I am 17 years old. (My birthday is August 23, 2004.)
- I am neurodivergent (autistic), and I may or may not have been diagnosed with depression. I also believe that I have ADHD and PTSD, but I have not been diagnosed with either yet.
- I am a biracial American.
- I go by mainly she/her, but I also go by he/him and they/them.
- I am an aromatic bisexual non-binary demigirl.
- I am an agnostic atheist, but am accepting of all religions.
- You can ONLY repost my art on Twitter, ToyHouse and Instagram with credit. No need to ask.
oct 3 2020 ∞
jun 24 2022 +