(120/130 BPM)

Dm F Gm Dm

Child, I'm sorry Child, don't cry I really can't help it We really must die

It may not be pleasant, but the pain will give way To a sparkling horizon, a brand new day

Dm Gm F Am

I rescued this one from the rain It lives up to its dangerous name

A# F

If ingested, your throat will burn

Dm F C

Organs all shut down in turn

A# F C

Your brain will burst into a puddle in your skull


I know what you're doing I don't like the way you watch my friends I'm watching you too And I won't look away til your charade ends

Dm Fm

You're messing with the wrong house, now, mister We don't take kind to threats You don't want to test my nerve, mister You ask, and you will get

F Fm C A# F Fm A# Dm

Cos you've shown your face in the wrong damn place So consider yourself warned If you don't leave now, the flame lily's going to burn

Dm A D# A# C

F Dm F Dm

I'm not like the others. I can see through you right down to the bone. I may look innocent but you wouldn't want to be with me alone.

F F Dm C A# C

It doesn't take much force to cut a nerve, or crack a skull And even less to force feed perennials


F Fm F C

F Fm F

But since we find ourselves here, mister, I'll give you an ultimatum If you leave, I won't use my ninja skills. Don't underestimate them

You've shown your face in the wrong damn place So consider yourself warned If you don't leave now, the flame lily's going to burn

Dm A D# A# C

F Fm F C

I know what enemies smell like, mister, I've met enough to know Do you know why they never get very far? They all ignore my waaaaarnings (Fm)


VINCENT: I've shown my face in the right bloody place I've been waiting for this moment for years So say your prayers because you're gonna see me again (D#)

D D# D D# F Fm Dm


Well lookie here The nice man didn't heed my words And now he fears He stepped too far into the absurd

Take one more step, mister I dare you to do your worst Just one more step, mister I'll move if you move first

D D# D D# F Fm Dm

  • *

Dm F Gm Dm

The flame lily I rescued from the rain

A# F Gm Dm

With untold torture, it lives up to its name

apr 3 2017 ∞
feb 11 2019 +