in my about me i said i had autism, spd, and ptsd. with my sensory processing disorder i hear/feel/taste/etc things more extreme than needed to be + certain sounds/textures/etc can lead to a meltdown !!

with my ptsd i've been through a lot n some stuff can trigger a flashback (if really really bad!) most of the time it gives me rlly bad anxiety

if you can please tag photos/videos/etc with these in em!!!

- talking about alcohol (specifically 'having fun' when drinking)

- talking about 'the future' or apocalypse scenarios

- csa (child sexual abuse) + pedophiles + grooming

- chewing + slurping food/drinks

- metal tapping

- loud noises (mostly talking, crowds, yelling)

- slamming doors

- an odd one but pencil sounds

- another odd one but the names oscar and sonny

apr 21 2019 ∞
apr 21 2019 +