Creative Arts is a publisher that closed. My bookstore bought their remainders. It was a vanity press, which means that the authors generally paid to have their books published. But it was a scam. These are quotes from the author bio section at the back of the books. They touch me:

  • He lives in Washington, D.C., with his dog, Nietzsche.
  • Edwin J. Drechsel was born in Bremen of an Australian mother and a German sea captain father.
  • He has been teaching Sociology at Mary Baldwin College since the late seventies, specializing in the topics of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.
  • She has a U.S. patent for a differently-abled doll, for differently-abled children.
  • He is currently working on his first opera, "The Poet's Miracle."
  • Geoff Peterson lives in Wyoming and teaches a brand of philosophy honed to windy places.
  • Curie Nova has been writing songs, short stories and poetry since she was eight.
  • He lives with his family in New Jersey, and he knows that God exists.
feb 26 2008 ∞
feb 28 2008 +