• M.S. Word tells me it's FreeCell, not Freecell.
  • True Life: I'm Addicted to FreeCell.
  • I once planned to win every game of FreeCell on my computer. From 1 to 100,000 or whatever. I got up to about 200.
  • Wouldn't it be funny if on a sitcom some character casually referenced how annoying it is that FreeCell takes like four hours to play?
  • And then everyone's like, "uhhh, FreeCell shouldn't take that long..."
  • Isn't it creepy that the king follows the mouse? Why is he so interested?
  • I'm not even that interested in FreeCell.
  • (that's a lie.)
  • Whenever I win a game of FreeCell I'm always let down somehow. A big, pixelated king isn't all that rewarding. I work hard!
  • Spider Solitaire is really wretched. It's just a wretched game.
feb 28 2008 ∞
feb 28 2008 +