• Reyn McCormick
  • trans female/bisexual
  • she/her
  • Reyn is originally from Boston, MA, where she grew up as the adopted daughter of her older catholic parents. Her mother was kind and supportive, but her father was cruel and a drunk. They were dirt poor and Reyn faced a lot of abuse at home and at her catholic school, so she spent as much time in the public library as she could. There she was able to find friends on the internet, where she could be the girl she couldn't be in real life. She met Dean and James this way, and eventually Dean helped her and her mother escape their abuse and move to CO. Once there, Reyn immediately began her transition, starting with changing her name. She intended to go to school in CO, but winds up opening a coffee shop and bookstore with Dean, thriving amongst the shelves. She eventually applies to VAMP to be turned into a vampire and starts magic hrt, finally the woman she always wanted to be. She goes on to start a career in twitch streaming during the night, and writes a few novels on the side. She rescues a 16 foot burmese python, and a girl that eventually becomes her wife, and the two raise several children together over many, many years.
  • ~~~
  • Ash Raven
  • cis female/lesbian
  • she/her
  • Ash isn't sure where she's from, having grown up in foster care for as long as she can remember. Her only family was her twin brother Nikolas, and the system refused to split them up. Nikolas was sweet and charming at first, but would soon show his violent and manipulative side, causing the pair to be bounced from foster home to foster home, never being adopted. They age out of the system with nothing but the clothes on their backs and each other. Nikolas and Ash begin running scams, never settling down and living out of hotel rooms, but soon Nikolas' violent nature appears again and he begins killing their marks. He forces Ash to help him, as women are more trusting of women, always with the threat that she will be next if she doesn't help. He keeps her under his control with drugs, and eventually sends her to target Reyn. Reyn is much more than Nikolas can handle, and her quick thinking and vampiric strength helps Ash escape and put Nikolas behind bars. She then has an uphill battle of the trial and finding a way to cope with her PTSD and the return of her epilepsy in her young adulthood, but Reyn is by her side every step of the way. Eventually they fall in love and get married, with Ash making the jump to vampirism. They raise a few kids together and spend many, many years by each other's side.
  • ~~~
  • Dean Paewai-Hawkmoth
  • non-binary/bisexual
  • they/them
  • Dean is originally from Ramah, CO, where they were born to two fathers on a ranch out in the country. They were born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, hypermobile type, and have used mobility aids their whole life. They grew up close to the child of the farmers next door, Jenny, and the two grow up thick as thieves. They suffer from bullying at school for their disability, family, and queerness. By the time they're in high school, Dean and Jenny begin dating, having never dated anyone else but totally happy as soulmates. Dean was always fascinated by magic, and was a quick study as they spent more time inside than out being active due to their mobility issues. Their family was very supportive, and even more so after they came out as Tahine during a trip to Aotearoa where they received their ta moko tattoo. Their fathers eventually take in V, a runaway teen addict, and the two grow into close siblings. Dean has trouble deciding what to do with their life, but settle on opening a coffee shop and bookstore with Reyn, after helping her escape to CO. They eventually move onto the Lockett family farm with Jenny, and turn it into a wildlife sanctuary and rehab center.
  • ~~~
  • V Paewai-Hawkmoth
  • cis male/pansexual
  • he/him
  • V is originally from VA, born a twin to a well off family that was able to trace its roots all the way to former Vice President John C. Calhoun. V's parents doted on his brother Liam, but were distant and borderline neglectful towards V. They told him that it was because he was a "bad child", by which they meant his undiagnosed ADHD. He grew up with a wicked inferiority complex and struggled in school, making bad grades and few friends. This led him to experiment with drugs at an early age, and by the time he was 14 he was addicted to cocaine. His parents never suspected his drug use, because on the surface he suddenly began doing well in school and began making more friends. This was because of the way the cocaine acted on his untreated ADHD, acting more like a medication than a drug. For two years he managed to keep his addiction a secret, with only his brother knowing, until he was assaulted at a party by an abusive boyfriend. V spirals out of control, using more and more cocaine to cope because the cocaine makes him feel normal, until he overdoses and nearly dies. His guardian angel disobeys orders and gets his brother's attention, and Liam is able to get V to the hospital in time to save his life. However his parents find out about his drug use, and become unbearably controlling. He finally believes that everyone would be better off if he was gone, and he runs away, headed for Portland, OR. He makes it as far as Ramah, CO, where he is taken in by Dean's parents. V finally gets the love and support he needed, and is able to find ways to cope with his ADHD and addiction, taking up art and activism while working on the farm. The Paewai-Hawkmoth's fully adopt him, and he becomes especially close with his sibling Dean. He makes a career of his art, and eventually starts a rock band called the Hanged Man. Later he learns he has a biological son, and learns that he made the right choice to leave home. He winds up meeting and dating James and Faust, and eventually cashes out his debt to Death, incurred when he overdosed, by becoming a demon with Faust.
  • ~~~
  • Faust
  • trans male/bisexual
  • he/him
  • Faust is born an angel to the Heavenly Host in Paradiso. He is made a Dominion, in charge of creating individual stars. He loves his work, but things change when he becomes involved with a higher ranking angel named Mikhail. He's subjected to much abuse, and after being pushed into breaking the angelic taboo of sex, Faust has enough and tries to tell his siblings what he's experienced. Mikhail is higher ranking, and uses that to turn the tables and socially ruin Faust, causing the Host to Shun him. They refuse to speak to him, look at him, or listen to him, making it clear how alone he is without the Host. He experiences so much grief that he rips his own wings off and Falls. He lands in Los Angeles, CA, sitting in the street bleeding and crying, and is found by a kindly demon named Astrid. She helps Faust adjust to life on Earth, helping him navigate his identity and an unwanted pregnancy, a child he names Israphael and gives up for adoption. He then transitions to trans male, and Astrid suggests he take up photography as a hobby. He winds up blowing up on social media, becoming stupidly famous in a very short time. He becomes even more famous after appearing on a reality tv show and becoming a meme, then picks up a modeling contract, an agent, and more money than he knows what to do with. He's a certified social media influencer, who spends his off time traveling with limited teleportation abilities to roadside attractions and terrible underground punk shows. There he meets V, and eventually James, and the three wind up dating. He eventually makes the jump to becoming a demon, as a way to help V cash out his debt to Death, becoming a Demonic Prince in the process.
  • ~~~
  • James Parton
  • genderqueer/queer
  • he/she/they
  • James is from a small town in GA, growing up in the baptist church community led by their step-father. James is often made to feel inferior and sinful by his step-father's preaching, only made worse as she realizes that she's queer. He is able to keep his queerness a secret for a few years, only being out online with their friends Dean and Reyn. But after being caught kissing a boy, they're sent to conversion therapy. James barely makes it out alive, but with the support of their friends, they survive long enough to turn 18 and leave home for good. She moves to CO, intending to go to school, but discovers a love of cam modeling and becomes a sex worker. With their friend's encouragement, he begins to explore his queerness, and comes out as genderqueer. She opens her own porn studio, and begins dating V and Faust. She eventually becomes a demon with V and Faust, in a scheme to cash out V's debt to death.
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  • Jenny Lockett
  • trans female/bisexual
  • she/her
  • Jenny is from Ramah, CO, having grown up on a small farm next door to Dean's family. Her parents were loving and made quick friends with the Paewai-Hawkmoth's, and she and Dean become thick as thieves. As a child she is diagnosed with autism, and discovers a special interest in animals commonly considered pests like possums and raccoons. She's also diagnosed with alopecia in middle school, which leads her to be bullied. Once she begins her transition she discovers a love of wigs and wig making. By the time she is in high school, she and Dean begin dating, having never dated anyone else, but totally happy as soulmates. She excels in her science classes, and receives a scholarship to attend college for a degree in ecology. She picks up a part time job at Dean's cafe during school, and graduates with a degree in ecology. The two eventually inherit the Lockett farm, turning it into a wildlife sanctuary and rehab center.
jan 12 2021 ∞
mar 13 2024 +