Hello! I am Sky! I'm 13 Y/o, a minor! I'm a cis female, going by she/her pronouns. I'm homosexual! Particularly a femme lesbian!! I'm currently taken as of Apr. 1, 2018. I'm an INFP Ravenclaw.

I love the colors pink and blue! I'm a huge fan of 80's movies and music. My favorite movie is Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and my favorite music artists are Weezer, 311, Bon Jovi, David Bowie, Queen, and so on.

I love comic books and in general nerd culture. I'm an artist, cosplayer, Gamer, and in general, a DWEEB!

I kin as a coping mechanism, and thus, don't take it very seriously, so double policies are loose! Check the DOUBLES INFO note :)

I will never ever block doubles. I love you guys so much.

I have been professionally diagnosed with GAD and Panic Disorder. Please tag all mentions of these disorders / tag mentions of panic attacks.

DNFI: The general stuff, TERF, SWERF, Homophobic, you know the deal. Your account is NSFW/ a kink account and you have not asked permission.

Password: DM ME “I’ll never meet anyone better, Freeweather” for entry!

may 9 2018 ∞
aug 20 2018 +