• the western concept of style and clashing colors does not apply to native clothing - in fact, the opposite is true
  • rambutan fruit
  • everything takes longer to do because they don't have those time-saving machines like juicers
  • jobs that would not be desirable in the United States are admirable once you understand all that's involved
  • negative identity - guatemalans have a tendency to base their sense of identity on what they are not
    • ladinos aren't indigenous
    • protestants aren't catholic
    • catholics don't practice mayan spirituality
      • this means that they can't do things associated with the thing they aren't, like use candles, etc.
  • bathing in a sauna (or chu) is way smarter than having a bath when it's cold out
  • women bust out their breasts for the purpose of breastfeeding without any sense of embarrassment
  • the pollution in the cities is horrible because of old busses
  • flooding in the streets and getting splashed by passing cars
  • swimming and hanging out in panajachel with Israel
  • Kokolocos, Pana, and Victor
  • sidewalks that are dangerous to walk on
  • skiing down the side of the volcano!
  • violence is a way of life and a part of life
  • the ayudantes
  • Xela, Alternativas, Rafael and Dustin, Salon Tecun
  • Victor
  • Riding all over the country in that big ol' bus
  • the Sam Sop family
  • Jendy and Lesli
  • my brothers Freddy, Llimi, K'u, and Juan! such good brothers!!
aug 14 2008 ∞
jan 23 2009 +