find yourself
what can i do to live my theme?
- ✔ travel
- try new hobbies
- ✔ explore new places and meet new people
how do i want to feel in 2019?
- excited, motivated, confident, non-judgement, kindness, calm,
what do i want to invite into my life in 2019?
- ✔ new memories and experiences
- more reassurance in myself
- confidence and self love
- light and positivity
what do i want to let go of in 2019?
- doubting myself
- eating unhealthy and not looking after myself
- stop checking social media so often - 30 mins a day
- caring what people think and trying to impress them
- academic
- ✔ get a 2:1 at uni
- apply for masters?
- maintain and network using blog and twitter
- life etc
- start driving lessons
- ✔ get a tattoo
- fitness
- health
- start oil pulling
- meditate everyday
- ✔ read