- job shadow quiz!
- RM:
- make-up assignment (Mon)
- presentation (Mon)
- revision (Mon Dec 14 by midnight)
- read ch (Wed)
- study for final (Wed 16)
- one cheat sheet front and back
- practive quizzes on blackboard
- use survey as a study guide
- there will be an SPSS output question
- review session (Monday 14, 5pm)
- poetry
- workshop poem (Mon)
- chapbook (Fri)
- reading review (Fri)
- S&P
- extra credit assignment (Fri)
- study for test (Thurs)
- finish reading textbook
- notecards
- test yourself
- ugh study for final :( Monday 2-3:50
- Film
- think of questions (Tues)
- study for final (Thurs)
- declare my minors (Mon 14)
- meet with counselor (fri)
- finish A Long Way Gone
- wash sheets
- laundry
- clean
- sell back these books if the cash is right:
- poetry
- sensation and perception
- PACK :)
- print boarding pass
- buy christmas gifts!
dec 5 2009 ∞
may 4 2011 +