• "If my mind is the size of a soda can and God is the size of the ocean, it would be foolish of me to say He is only the small amount of water I can scoop into my little can"

-Francis Chan

  • "Ultimately our gift to the world around us is hope. Not blind hope that pretends everything is fine and refuses to acknowledge how things are. But the kind of hope that comes from staring pain and suffering right in the eyes and refusing to believe that this is all there is. It is all we need--hope that comes not from going around suffering but from going through it."

Rob Bell

  • "When you understand that what you're telling is just a story. It isn't happening anymore. When you realize the story you're telling is just words, when you can just crumble it up and throw your past in the trashcan, then we'll figure out who you're going to be"

Chuck Palahniuk

  • "God must be a pretty big fan of today, because you keep waking up to it."
jul 23 2012 ∞
jul 23 2012 +