- Elements of Directing, It's going to be annoying begging people to act in your scenes. (Monday's 2:30-5:20, Black box!)
- Shakespeare, apparently this teacher is amazing, also he likes mst3k, bring it up, get on good side. Also Liz might be in this class with you! (Tuesday 7:15pm-9:55pm, N457)
- Death and Bereavement, this class will most likely be really depressing and intense. As a result, Wed just might become your depressing day of the week. (wed 7:15pm-9:55pm, M700)
- Power Plays, Paul is this class with you! (thursday 7:15pm-9:55pm, N457)
- Intermediate Playwriting, figure out how to use the copy machine at school to copy scripts. (fri 2:30-5:20, M201)
Michael, Notice that all your classes are three hours long. This means each class is actually like two classes. Which means you are only allowed to skip EACH CLASS ONCE.