- a demon of pride (works directly for Lucille and also kind of Lacie)
- friends and business partners with Leo
- oh fuck necromancer
- got kicked out of heaven for necromancy thats how you know he's good
- mid-ish height (like 5'7" and a half probably)
- not just a narcissist, but a prissy narcissist
- smart lad he Reads Books
- thanks to the whole necromancy thing he has to wear elbow length gloves (necromancy comes with the unfortunate side affect of basically staining your hands a weird ashy colour, the more you do the further it goes)
- that's how he got kicked out of heaven for it
- but now he works for the devil and life is great
- this is also why there aren't many necromancers, they tend to be a bit easily spotted and hunted down, or get themselves killed trying to do their own magic
- this all means Louis is likely one of the strongest necromancers currently alive
- chaotic neutral gay necromancy teen
- aside from Lacie, who is Lucille's favourite, he's the second favourite because he does necromancy and Lucille does necromancy and she's just like Ah, My Dead Raising Son
dec 12 2017 ∞
dec 12 2017 +