• ages: ???? younger than Gwen?
  • heights: both about 5'6" and a half
  • demons of gluttony who work directly for Gwen
  • they're like her little underlings like she's a disney villain and they're the goofy assistants
  • except they're both legitimately a bit homicidal
  • identical twins
  • both wield chainsaws, which are identical aside from the fact that they both have their names on them
  • they're just. odd
  • basically do all of Gwen's work, odd jobs, and cook for her quite a lot
  • they're both proficient cooks actually
  • have a kind of rivalry with the other demons of sin's underlings
  • they're just havin bants really. murder bants
  • they eat extremely disproportionate amounts of food and can be very, very picky
  • possibly can occasionally sync up into one much taller demon. possibly. their true power is a mystery to all but Gwen
  • generally a mystery to all but Gwen
dec 9 2017 ∞
dec 9 2017 +