- Calc 1
- Calc 2
- Partial Fractions
- Integrals Involving Roots
- Integrals Involving Quadratics (~4 days, end: oct18)
- Integration Strategy (~5 mins, end: oct18)
- Improper Integrals (just do practice probs.)
- Comparison Test for Improper Integrals
- Approximating Definite Integrals
- Applications of Integrals
- Arc Length
- Surface Area
- Center of Mass
- Hydrostatic Pressure and Force
- Probability
- Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
- Parametric Equations and Curves
- Tangents with Parametric Equations
- Area with Parametric Equations
- Arc Length with Parametric Equations
- Surface Area with Parametric Equations
- Polar Coordinates
- Tangents with Polar Coordinates
- Area with Polar Coordinates
- Arc Length with Polar Coordinates
- Surface Area with Polar Coordinates
- Arc Length and Surface Area Revisited
- Sequences and Series
- Sequences
- More on Sequences
- Series The Basics
- Series Convergence/Divergence
- Series Special Series
- Integral Test
- Comparison Test/Limit Comparison Test
- Alternating Series Test
- Absolute Convergence
- Ratio Test Using the Ratio Test
- Root Test Using the Root Test
- Strategy for Series
- Estimating the Value of a Series
- Power Series
- Power Series and Functions
- Taylor Series
- Applications of Series
- Binomial Series
- Vectors
- Vectors The Basics
- Vector Arithmetic
- Dot Product
- Cross Product
- Calc 3
- Three Dimensional Space
- The 3-D Coordinate System
- Equations of Lines
- Equations of Planes
- Quadric Surfaces
- Functions of Several Variables
- Vector Functions
- Calculus with Vector Functions
- Tangent, Normal and Binormal Vectors
- Arc Length with Vector Functions
- Curvature
- Velocity and Acceleration
- Cylindrical Coordinates
- Spherical Coordinates
- Partial Derivatives
- Limits
- Partial Derivatives (already knew this)
- Interpretations of Partial Derivatives (need equation of a line in R3 to continue)
- Higher Order Partial Derivatives
- Differentials
- _ Chain Rule
- Directional Derivatives
- Applications of Partial Derivatives
- Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations
- Gradient Vector, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines
- Relative Minimums and Maximums
- Absolute Minimums and Maximums
- Lagrange Multipliers
- Multiple Integrals
- Double Integrals
- Iterated Integrals
- Double Integrals over General Regions
- Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
- Triple Integrals
- Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates
- Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates
- Change of Variables
- Surface Area
- Area and Volume Revisited
- Line Integrals
- Vector Fields
- Line Integrals Part I
- Line Integrals Part II
- Line Integrals of Vector Fields
- Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals
- Conservative Vector Fields
- Green’s Theorem
- Curl and Divergence
- Surface Integrals
- Parametric Surfaces
- Surface Integrals
- Surface Integrals of Vector Fields
- Stokes’ Theorem
- Divergence Theorem
- DE
- First Order Differential Equations
- Linear Equations
- Separable Equations
- Exact Equations
- Bernoulli Differential Equations
- Substitutions
- Intervals of Validity
- Modeling with First Order Differential Equations
- Equilibrium Solutions
- Euler’s Method
- Second Order Differential Equations
- Basic Concepts
- Real Roots
- Complex Roots
- Repeated Roots
- Reduction of Order(don't get why it works.)
- Fundamental Sets of Solutions(makes no fucking sense)
- More on the Wronskian
- Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations
- Undetermined Coefficients
- Variation of Parameters
- Mechanical Vibrations
- Laplace Transforms
- The Definition
- Laplace Transforms
- Inverse Laplace Transforms
- Step Functions
- Solving IVP’s with Laplace Transforms
- Nonconstant Coefficient IVP’s
- IVP’s with Step Functions
- Dirac Delta Function
- Convolution Integral
- Table of Laplace Transforms
- Systems of Differential Equations
- Review : Systems of Equations
- Review : Matrices and Vectors
- Review : Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Systems of Differential Equations
- Solutions to Systems
- Phase Plane
- Real Eigenvalues
- Complex Eigenvalues
- Repeated Eigenvalues
- Nonhomogeneous Systems
- Laplace Transforms
- Modeling
- Series Solutions
- Review : Power Series
- Review : Taylor Series
- Series Solutions
- Euler Equations
- Higher Order Differential Equations
- Basic Concepts for nth Order Linear Equations
- Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations
- Undetermined Coefficients
- Variation of Parameters
- Laplace Transforms
- Systems of Differential Equations
- Series Solutions
- Boundary Value Problems & Fourier Series
- Boundary Value Problems
- Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
- Periodic Functions and Orthogonal Functions
- Fourier Sine Series
- Fourier Cosine Series
- Fourier Series
- Convergence of Fourier Series
- Partial Differential Equations
- The Heat Equation
- The Wave Equation
- Terminology
- Separation of Variables
- Solving the Heat Equation
- Heat Equation with Non-Zero Temperature Boundaries
- Laplace’s Equation
- Summary of Separation of Variables
- Linear Algebra
- Systems of Equations and Matrices
- Systems of Equations
- Solving Systems of Equations
- Matrices
- Matrix Arithmetic & Operations
- Properties of Matrix Arithmetic
- Inverse Matrices and Elementary Matrices
- Finding Inverse Matrices
- Special Matrices
- LU-Decompositions
- Systems Revisited
- Determinants
- The Determinant Function
- Properties of Determinants
- The Method of Cofactors
- Using Row Reduction to Find Determinants
- Cramer’s Rule
- Euclidean n-space
- Vectors
- Dot Product & Cross Product
- Euclidean n-Space
- Linear Transformations
- Examples of Linear Transformations
- Vector Spaces
- Vector Spaces
- Subspaces
- Span
- Linear Independence
- Basis and Dimension
- Change of Basis
- Fundamental Subspaces
- Inner Product Spaces
- Orthonormal Basis
- Least Squares
- QR-Decomposition
- Orthogonal Matrices
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Review of Determinants
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Diagonalization
Yeah but that's all right?
199 to complete.
- As of Oct30 2013, I've done 19 (9.5%)
- As of Nov14 2013, I've done 26 (13.1%)
- As of Nov17 2013, I've done 27 (13.6%) Thanks, Adderall.
- As of Nov19 2013, I've done 28 (14.1%)
- As of Nov22 2013, I've done 30 (15.1%)
- As of Dec26 2013, I've done 39 (19.6%)
Predicted to finish on Mar 25, 2014. O_O
- ..then a long break where I quit. And now it's 2014!