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  • Gemma
  • 21
  • From the UK
  • She/Her
  • Pansexual
  • Sagittarius
  • Uni student (Third year studying history)
  • I like to talk to ppl and make friends so feel free to tweet me/dm me/w/e if u want!! I'd consider myself a p friendly person so don't be afraid to talk to me! ^^
  • I make graphics sometimes and if you ever want me to make you something feel free to ask, I like to make stuff! I have an acc for layouts (run by me & gabby (@Luigigal64) if u wanna follow that (@pastelwings_)
  • If you need something tagging, please ask! I read listos but I often forget what people have said so it's probably better to just tweet/dm me about it
  • I use he/him pronouns for Arashi Narukami, so if you don't like that, I would rec not following
aug 10 2016 ∞
oct 13 2018 +