- Only take AP classes if you're willing to take an AP exam for $86 and actually do some work.
- Never make eye contact with Afro Kid. If you do, he will consider you a friend for life, and therefore attempt to show you all the weird things he's "made" and teach you how to break into the soda machine.
- Don't carry a lacrosse stick around in the hallways, you just look like a douche. Same rule applies for any other sporting equipment that you really don't need to carry around.
- Your locker is always going to be remotely near one or more of your classes. The school is too small for it not to be.
- The chocolate milk is only sour 1/5 days.
- Be nice to your teachers, they will repay you later.
- If you want to escape, don't walk out the door across from the cafeteria like everyone else. Walk down the stairway in the sophomore/art/science hallway...you'll get to the back of the middle school. If you walk through the woods path, you'll be at Rose Hill.
- That being said, Rose Hill is right behind the school. The path starts down by the middle school playground and you can follow it all the way to the shopping center.
- Don't try to go to the weird place with the plastic bubble on the other side of the woods...no one really knows what it is, it looks like an asylum and there are always random people walking around.
- It's really easy to sneak past the parking lot guy. Even easier to sneak people out for double lunch.
- The curly fries are pretty godly. Wraps are good too.
- The fire alarm gets pulled as soon as a bagel in the toaster is burnt...there are a lot of fire drills.
- If you take a science class with Mrs. T, don't expect to do any work at all.
- If you take a Math class with Mr. K, any fucking around is not tolerated. At. All.
- In Gym class, you can hide behind the curtain divider to skip running.
- No matter how bad you mess up on your mile, they will never make you do it over again, unless you neglect to do it completely.
- Any teacher can be won over.
- Class trips are a time for chaos.
- Definitely go on the Europe trip, it's like a huge vacation with your friends.
- The bake sales always give all the food away for free when it's over. Be patient.
- Everyone will hate each other freshman-junior year, and love each other senior year.
- The library is a great place to cut class.
- "Stairwell couples" are quite awkward.
- Always scream "GO HOME FRESHMEN" at the top of your lungs during BOTH pep rallies. Unless you're a freshman - then you keep your mouth shut.
- The seniors always win Fall Fest...if they don't, it's rigged so they do. And they always know everything that's going to be in the scavenger hunt.
apr 19 2010 ∞
apr 19 2010 +