I would like to mention first and foremost that I am quite an anomoly of fear. I am terrified of a couple things, yet I can also be incredibly bold and brave. For example, I am afraid of heights and very afraid of haunted houses and the like, but am completely unafraid of speaking in public, people, etc. Here are some others I really thought were interesting- and believable.
- Anthropophobia- Fear of people or society
- Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things
- Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning
- Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
- Chiraptophobia- Fear of being touched
- Chronophobia- Fear of time
- Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns
- Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents (totally know someone who has this- so sad.)
- Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting (I may have that!)
- Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste (CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?!?!?)
- Hodophobia- Fear of road travel
- Hypsiphobia- Fear of height
- Leukophobia- Fear of the color white
- Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection
- Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect penis
- Myctophobia- Fear of darkness
- Omphalophobia- Fear of belly buttons
- Peladophobia- Fear of bald people
- Selenophobia- Fear of the moon
- Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting
- Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women
- Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners
- Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy