• you draw/produce/ship paedoshit/incest/''noncon''/etc content for series / think that doing that is ok / are even friends with people that think that doing that is ok
    • (this includes people doing it for coping, if you/they are still actively and publically producing and distributing content. tldr no matter who you are if you're still posting it publicly on tumblr/twitter/wherever you're not exempt.)
  • if you don't know what stuff that entails, I'm talking abt polarshipping, kaito/yuma, all that sort of bullshit. i hate it and probably hate you if you're producing and distributing content of it online.
  • you have a 'tf kink' or similar (i draw a lot of characters as monsterfolk, and i use it as a metaphor for dysphoria in original work, so needless to say i am super creeped out by the concept of people using stuff i intended as sfw as nsfw. especially considering previous bullet point. sorry. i am sure you are nice, but i hope it's understandable that i'd be worried about it.)
jan 28 2017 ∞
may 15 2023 +