• main twitter: asteriskdragon
  • pinterest: amorphage
  • tumblr: invidiatechdemo or hydradrive (kh+puyo+some zexal art only, mostly for the former, and bowman/vrains posting only, basically, for the latter)
  • reddit: wiselcore

my public twitter has a couple other things on the read before following, but the things mentioned there aren't anything you need to be worried about if you only follow here, and are purely for own personal comfort and such, which isn't as huuuge of a deal here by virtue of only logging onto this account to upload art.

that doesn't mean that what's on the rbf/dnfi here ('no tf kinkster' bulletpoint aside) doesn't apply on my public, though, quite the contrary actually? if you came to check my art here and any bullets minus the last one applies to you, please do me a favor and unfollow, k thanks. softblock me if we're mutuals, while you're at it.

jan 28 2017 ∞
may 15 2023 +