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  • I tend to tweet quite a lot at times, it really depends on how talkative I feel though. Sometimes I just rt stuff and don't talk at all when I don't feel as talkative.
  • It's been hard to stay active with being busy with school, activity on this account is currently on and off.
  • I used like all tweets but I don't do that any more as my timeline goes too quick to keep up.
  • My tweets mainly consist of my interests or anything that's going through my mind at the moment. When college is in session, I do tend to tweet about my experiences there.
  • Retweet heavy most of the time, usually retweets that are related to my interests. Dangan Ronpa and Pokemon heavy currently since the dr and Pokemon twitter accs I follow are the most active right now.
  • If I don't accept ur rq it's most likely because I feel like you wouldn't be interested in my acc, it's nothing personal really. I don't want people to have to deal with stuff they're not interested about in their tls and feel like they're trapped in a mutual. Feel free to follow my public account, @elethmixer instead which has less rt spam and not as much K-Pop or @revalestan which is my i7 acc, I'll only follow back if your twitter is somewhat i7 focused. I'd rather not deal with a cluttered timeline that's unrelated to i7; it's why I made that account in the first place.
jan 8 2017 ∞
sep 13 2018 +