

Anne has intense anxiety so be careful with her, please. Things are louder for her than others and can cause dizziness. She's really sweet!

Triggers - Blood, Being called a baby, Loud noises/ Extremely bright colors, Touching without permission, Violence, She's also claustrophobic.

• Playful, Cheerful, Optimistic, Extroverted, Wants everyone happy, Extremely empathic, Sensitive. Trouble having conversations (anxiety). • Loves: Candy, Bunnies, Ducks, Flowers, Coloring, Cuddles, Cartoons, Hair being brushed, Taverous. • Hates: Veggies, Mean people, Scary adults, being made fun of. Water sounds. Loud noises. (PTSD) • Trigger sensitive (blood, talking about physical pain, physical contact without permission, being called a baby in a mocking manner, broken promises.) • Wants: Unknown. • Favorite color is yellow. • Medians: Annabelle and Amber. Not much is known about them.

jun 27 2018 ∞
feb 21 2019 +