Name(s): Bri/Brian/Brianna, or any of my ID names

Age: 21 years old (born 1998)

Birthday: December 16th

Ethnicity: White

Gender Identity: Genderfluid

Location: United States of America, New Jersey

Occupation: Community college student

Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Panromantic pansexual

Now that the introduction's outta the way, hello! This is the hub of any and all information regarding my personal interests and social media. And that being said, with a few exceptions, don't be afraid to message me! I certainly don't bite; I'm always up for making new friends. Nothing's set in stone, however, so I'll do my best to update my lists whenever something new arises! If you have any further questions that you feel just aren't answered here, again, feel free to send me a message.

dec 29 2019 ∞
dec 29 2019 +