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Brianna/Harli // 17 // She/Her // Artist/animator & Competitive Pokken Player // A generally nice cat who loves games, drawing and her friends.

I love animals and meeting new people! I also live in Seattle, Washington.



Hey there, I'm Brianna! I have depression and anxiety so if I'm nervous around you, it's most likely not your fault! I'm generally pretty friendly so if you want to, say hello!! I'm a big goof and I don't bite. I love making new friends. I'm into Warrior Cats, Pokemon, Mega Man, Disgaea and a bunch of other stuff! I'm 17 and my birthday is November 25th. I go by she/her pronouns and I'm Pan! I'm also a cat so! Meow!

I'm also in a relationship with another girl! Please don't follow if you're homophobic.

If you need me to tag something, let me know! I generally put "('game name' spoils)" when it's spoilers for a thing so you don't really need to worry about that. I also tag Blood/Gore/Body Horror/Needles/real life eyes/animal abuse and some other stuff. If I don't tag something that I s...

aug 13 2016 ∞
jun 21 2017 +


I HAVE A COMIC CALLED OVERLORD QUEST, it's a Disgaea fan comic, please check it out over here!

If you want, you could request a commission from me! You can DM me for prices and what I'm currently selling!

aug 13 2016 ∞
aug 13 2016 +

I am 100% ok with doubles! "Literally Me" IDs are very close to me so please keep that in mind.

Literally Me

  • Diancie - Pokemon
  • Desmond Sycamore - Professor Layton
  • Raspberyl - Disgaea
  • Hundred Knight - The Witch And The Hundred Knight
  • Uryu - Mana Khemia
  • Gwen Stacy - Spider Man Universe (Spider Gwen Version only)
  • Dawn/Hikari - Pokemon Platinum
  • Kerbey - Puyo Puyo Quest!!
  • Valerie - Pokémon X and Y
  • Chiaki Nanami - Dangan Ronpa 2
  • Stocking - PSG
  • Alfendi - Professor Layton; Mystery Room


  • Kuro - Blue Exorcist
aug 13 2016 ∞
jul 8 2018 +

I play competitive Pokken Tournament and I'm hoping to go to worlds next year!

  • My mains are
    • Braixen
    • Gardevior
    • Lucario

I'm also an Animator, and I post all my animations on my YouTube.

I also do general art on my Twitter and dA! Twitter

  • @Briannakitty1


  • Briannakitty
aug 14 2016 ∞
aug 14 2016 +

Don't follow me if you have any of these IDs. Thank you!

  • IV Arclight
  • Himoko Toga
  • Tsuyu Asui
  • Gwyndolyn
  • Celestia Ludenberg
  • Farnese de Vandimion
  • Ryuko Matoi
  • Tohru Adachi
aug 13 2016 ∞
aug 13 2016 +