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"The point is not to take the world's opinion as a guiding star but to go one's way in life and working unerringly, neither depressed by failure nor seduced by applause."

  • Courtney(Petit Bebe) Cahen: Well she told me about listography and since I can't sleep its the perfect remedy, thanks best fran. She is one of the most caring people I know.Amazingly magnetic and talented and yet very humble. She is ridiculously selfless, and will always give you a smile even if it's not what she is feeling, if she thinks you need a smile, she will make you feel more loved than you ever thought you were. You have to gain her true friendship, and so therefore, I feel amazed and blessed to have someone so remarkable in my life. yay concerts, yay weightless, and all the silly shit we do. Tru Blood? I think, yes!
  • Spencer(hubby)Covington- He has allowed me to not care what people think, because I know I always have him there on my side. He is passionate and has a infectious love for life,it makes him radiate. He has a calming effect that can get me out of my worst moods, he gives me a new love and security for everything in my life.
  • Kourtni( my twin) Beebe: The most positive person I have ever met. Sometimes I get in the weirdest moods and she is just the girl you want to go to in those cases. She can turn the worst situation and turn it on its side and give you a new outlook on life. She has so much inside of her, and will go far in life, she draws you in with her positive outlook and shows you that she is one of the most wonderful people in the world. IMHO. :)
  • Morgan (Blaire) McLaughlin- The most honest person I know. She is the person that made me realize that its ok if people didn't get who I was automatically. As I put it "they just don't get our brilliance" She is so loyal and truly will be there in any situation. She will make sure to give her honest opinion in any situation, and even though its not always what you want to hear, its whats best and she will help you out of a lot of bad situations with her honesty. OH and she is BEAUTIFUL :)

to sum it up:my friends are beautiful rockstars. xxoo- Bryt

dec 27 2009 ∞
dec 27 2009 +