I am not any FC (face claim) I have used nor have I ever claimed to be. I believe they would portray my character well, so I'm using their faces. I'm not trying to hurt anyone by it. If they ever made an announcement asking for people not to do that I wouldn't hesitate to stop.

Any OC (original character) I mention or create belongs to me (such as Lehua Helios, Tiberius, Trebonius, Ike Romar, Icarus Montgomery, and Marco Ignacio-Gonzal, Lúre). The characters of Jake Mason (@GearsAndCogs), Shane (@AnxiousBuilder), and Christopher (@9sBlacksmith), belong to Rick Riordan. I have taken liberties to create a background and personality for them and do not own the characters or represent Riordan in any way. The same goes for Kahuna Officer Nanu (@OurOfficerNanu), Galactic Leader Cyrus (@GalacticsCyrus), Chandelure (@GhostChandelier), and Sableye (@TheSableyes), of Pokémon.

Anything said IC (in character) isn’t necessarily my views. Things said OOC (out of character) are my personal views.

sep 11 2018 ∞
jun 14 2019 +