• ChannelPCM is simply the collective branding name associated with each of my series, projects, and concepts. It’s not a proper company and doesn’t hold things like copyrights as all my work is done purely out of being a hobby and also mostly derivative from other things I’m a fan of. All of my work has been free to experience and always will be. Every silly project and concept I come up with is handled entirely by me, as I want to assure the best quality in my work as possible, regardless of how goofy it is. That’s always been my goal.

  • JYniverse (Pronounced jay-WHY-niverse. It's a portmanteau.) is a series project that involves a heavy focus on bringing new stories to redesigned bootleg characters and crossovers with whatever I'm interested in. Yeah, one of those series. I do intend to create dynamics and good interactions with whatever these crossovers bring, just to reassure you.

Aside from that, the main overarching tale is of a young fellow who has to adapt to a new world of knockoffs and odd characters surrounding him, hopping universes to make friends along the way to team up and defeat a washed up icon turned grand villain overlord hellbent on taking over the entire realm of fiction. In doing this, our protagonist discovers more about himself, gains new courage and strengths, and fights for the acceptance of himself and those around him, showing the world that even bootlegs are kind and complex souls.

  • Bit Warriors tells the sci-fi tale of two cyborg girls hired to defend Earth and other planets from intergalactic threats. Outside of work, the two friends have a fun dynamic together. One appreciates the simpler things in life and relaxes whenever possible, while the other is a sterner, more focused workaholic. It isn't easy saving the world!

(With all apologies, I understand this one's much shorter than the rest. It will probably be replaced with a better description once I develop this series more.)

Leaping Man answers the question, “what if Mario’s game re-releases were handled by a company who hacked and poorly preserved it to the point of being unrecognizeable?” Amnesiac half-brothers (their true relation isn’t fully known), Manfred and Stanford, travel the fictional countryside of Greenland amidst a world of eerily generic monsters, later more eerie artificial ones, to discover more about their true identities and the world around them.

In reality, it’s a series mostly comprised of playable ROM hacks made as personal vent pieces, protesting the various awful game preservation efforts in recent years, environmental issues, among other things that bug me at that moment in time. It’s not subtle at all, and frankly it’s best like that.

Urban Champion is a fan series based upon the classic Famicom/NES title of the same name. It’s a more “slice of life”-focused story with elements of taking down the evils in your way with not much more than your fists. It focuses on two college students, dudes who have been best friends since elementary school, tackling on the challenges college and career experiences throw their way.

The series is meant to focus on the lives of more obscure Nintendo characters and properties, aiming to create a video game-based fan work that's familiar but fresh and not completely cheesy.

Somari the Adventurer is a fan series that focuses on everybody's favorite speedy red guy of the same name. While Somari is already quite involved with JYniverse, this spinoff aims to focus more on his and his friends' own adventures.

(This is another one of those ones that I feel I haven't developed as much. Apologies for that. I'm still trying to figure out what I want the vibe of the series to be like. It could just be a mix of the two older Sonic cartoons, where I take most inspiration from in this spinoff.)

LuigiWatching is a Twitter gimmick account, made to document the whereabouts of 8-bit Luigis and other pixelated characters in Nintendo games from the Wii U and Switch.

It also involves a loosely told story, featuring the account's operator studying a mysterious race of extra-terrestrial specimen, the Pixilians. "Classic Dot Luigi" Pixilians are known to be quite mischievous and are the most infamous, always hiding and stalking folks anywhere they go. Their motives are completely unknown. You may just even find them hiding in plain sight! Maybe you'll find them in other projects of mine, if you look close enough. Maybe they could even be in your own world!

As for how the story ends... well, who knows frankly. I've had the least motivation on this project as of late and it's currently on indefinite hiatus. Maybe it'll return some day. (If nothing else, you might still see hidden Luigis in other works.)

  • Davcord (Despite how it's spelled, it's pronounced Dave-cord. It's another one of them portmanteau things.) is the official DavidPCM-themed hangout, hosted on Discord. It's a server where we all come together, enjoy our interests, and something I've always considered a place of acceptance. So long as you aren't an absolute dickhead to the people there, I'm sure you'd have just as fun of a time as the rest of us.

If you'd like to join our silly little community, check out the Socials list! The invite link's there.

(More stuff to come along the way! Stay tuned!)

dec 18 2022 ∞
jan 31 2024 +