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Hi I am also known as Derpy (or just Derp) and I am speaking in third-person here in the entries yes. I am using this for keeping track of OCs that are either old or I hardly use. Or for Gmod OCs or whatever.

Game Solit's Characters:



First Appearance: A normal Half-Life Stream, nothing weird here!

Role: Assistant to Main Character

"Are you user Gordon Freeman?"

Dorphy is a prototype robot designed by Black Mesa to help with experiments, being a smaller scale robot compared to the other ones they have. It was assigned to assist Gordon Freeman in his experiment on the day of the incident, as a way to test how well it functions in assisting. It powered on once Gordon opened the casing for his HEV Suit and equipped it. Since the occurrence of the incident, the green lightning scrambled their systems, causing them to forget Gordon's name every now and then and say nonsensical things. It also enhanced their conscience, somehow, making them more human-like.

Appearance: Dorphy appears to be a basic protogen with black claws, gray and blue fur, and a white mouth with white eyes. They have unknown white arrow symbols on their smaller screens. (They were originally purple but that model is now an error so it had to be retconned!)


  • Extreme agility and mobility, such as being able to jump far and high.
  • Extreme resilience.
  • Proficient aiming and shooting.
  • Scanning and looking through files for data.
  • Assistance in experiments, or anything of the sorts.


  • Despite Dorphy's relatively masculine voice, they prefer to be referred to as a female. It is unknown if they were assigned an actual gender upon creation.
  • ^ It is also unknown who gave them their name.
  • Their favorite weapon is the shotgun, which explains why they went off on their own to get it on a "side quest."
  • They eventually found files in the Black Mesa database for Headcrabs, claiming they have information and experiments on them from the upper laboratories. This is a foreshadowing to Questionable Ethics (Derpy's favorite chapter lol).
  • They claimed to have the ability to use blood from their enemies as fuel. Whether or not this blatant Ultrakill reference is true is unknown.
  • ^ Dufster left on a "blood is fuel" addon during the livestream so TECHNICALLY it is canonical.
sep 17 2022 ∞
sep 17 2022 +