• Do Not Interact if:
  • You discriminate against any race/gender/sexuality/disability, etc. (this includes TERFs/Truscum/Transmedicalists/Ace excusionists)
  • You identify as alt-right, republican, etc.
  • You think words such as tr*p, f*ta, s*ssy, etc aren't transphobic
  • You associate with boyonetta/gayspacevamp. I don't approve of somebody who's perfectly okay with truscum in their server. (Note: To those that I'm already friends with, this won't apply as long as you don't have the same beliefs as him)
  • If you identify as a "Minor-Attracted Person" or any other word to avoid calling youself what you really are: a pedophile. You'll be immediately reported once I see that you call yourself as such
dec 12 2018 ∞
dec 13 2018 +